
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Special Day

Paul is 29 today! But that is not the "special day" I am referring to.

My baby brother moves into his dorm at SHSU today! But that is not the "special day" I am referring to.

No, today was Glo Glo and Ju Ju's "special day with Mrs. Tricia!" If you have been reading my blog for awhile, then you know these girls! These girls have a very special place in my heart! We like to have "special days" where I take them one on one or them together and spend the day with them. Now, this is not babysitting- it is just a special day. BUT if Mommy happens to get some free time out of the deal, then that is just icing! :)

Glo Glo and Ju Ju swimming at "Mrs. Tricia's Mommy's House." They missed "Mrs. Tricia's Mommy," and "TaaTurr," (Ju Ju's pronunciation lol)!
Bryan, she is SO your daughter! Glo with her new love Sammie!
Much better Glo! Sweet smile with Sammie!
Ju Ju LOVED Belle! Sammie was more her size, but Belle put up with her, so they were inseparable! lol
I got her to smile pretty Mom and Dad! How? Forget cheese, make her say, "cookies!" (little trick I learned from Steven Leonard). :)
"Writing" a note to TaaTurr!
One of my FAVORITES of them of all time!!! :) At McDonald's Play Place.
How did Jersey like today? He was beat! :)


  1. You are awesome! Bryan and I and the girls are so blessed to have you. Thanks so much for loving on our girls like you do. I especially appreciate the wondeful biblical truths you validate with the girls when you spend time with them talking and answering their questions. They had a great day!

  2. Hi sweet Tricia!
    So glad you found us!
    Please keep in touch!

