
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

3 Years

Today is 3 years since my sister went to Heaven to be with Jesus. She was 18 years old. It is still not real to me.

Little things get to me.... Tracie and I used to go through a bowl of Dove chocolate, and open them all up, (without eating them). You see, Dove chocolates have quotes on the inside, so we would open them all up to look for a new quote then we would re wrap the duplicates. Entirely rude, I know, but that is what we did not too long before she died. Recently, I found that you can now customize the Dove quotes with whatever you want. If I could have, I wanted to send them to her with the inside saying, "I love my sister, yes I do." (it was our inside joke which I have explained before on this blog).

To see that explanation and my other posts about my sister, click on the picutre below.


  1. ill be praying for you today. youre strenght is an inspiration.

  2. You and your family are very much in my prayers today.

  3. I am thinking about you too... one day you will see your sister again and the maker of heaven and earth will "turn your mourning into dancing".

  4. I thought about you and your family on Tuesday and everything you have gone through and still go through. You are so strong and brave.
