
Monday, October 5, 2009

The ABCs of Me

Out of boredom I am jumping on the ABCs bandwagon. I had fun reading everyone else's so maybe y'all will enjoy mine:

A- Ann Marie is the name of my little girl in my book, "She is not your Real Mommy!"

B- I love babysitting... well babies in general! ;)

C- I love being Crafty

D- I love my Dog, Jersey, way more than I probably should!

E- I am so glad I get to spend Eternity with the Creator of the universe.

F- I am usually not a Fan of Fall, but this year I am- go Figure. ;)

G- "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

H- Tomorrow will be 3 years since my sister, Tracie, went to Heaven.

I- I just did a post titled iNsANe! Check it out!

J- JESUS is my Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, Prince of Peace, the Great I Am. Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. We are all sinners who have fallen short of God's standards, and we deserve hell. He died on the cross to pay for our sins. If you accept Him as your savior, repent of your sins, and serve Him, then you will go to Heaven! It is that simple!

K- I love being a KEIERLEBER!

L- I LOVE me some Leopard print! :) (I usually call it cheetah, but out of the two the leopard always looks best- I just default with cheetah as its name lol)

M- Marriage is the greatest blessing... well, second only to Salvation in Christ!

N- I am looking for a Nanny job for a while- know anyone? :)

O- There are 200,000,000 Orphans in the world, and if only 7% of THE CHURCH would adopt then there would be no need for Orphanages.

P- I love Paul!!! He is my best friend, and I am so blessed to spend the rest of my days with him!!!

Q- I need to have Quite a bit more Quiet Time with the Lord.

R- I am requesting prayers for all the big changes coming our way very soon! Thanks!

S- "There are two things I know, I am a great Sinner, but Christ is a Great Savior!" John Newton, author of the song Amazing Grace. Couldn't be more true!

T- We do not have TV. We have a TV set, we just don't have any channels... we just watch movies.

U- One Nation, UNDER GOD!

V- I made a Vow on 4♥7♥07!

W- William Wilberforce and George Washington Carver are two of my newest Worldly heroes. Look them up!

X- The X Commandments, (yes, I stole it from you, Ashley) "Thou shall have no other God's before Me." (1)

Y- I want to Yearn for Christ. (Song by Shane and Shane which is a prayer of my heart)

Z- In August 08 I was left a nasty anonymous comment... part of which anonymous said I had: "religious zealotry." Little did anonymous know that being called Zealous for Christ is actually a huge compliment! :)

Lindsay, the new dog park is located right by UH Sugar Land. Grand Opening this Saturday! :)

These pics were taken with my cell phone, so excuse the quality! :)
We babysat for the Cokenours again last weekend. Here we are at one of the parks in our neighborhood. I had PK take this picutre cause Jersey was cracking me up. I was swinging and he was just laying in my lap... not sitting, laying! lol I LOVE this pic... click on it to see it big... I love E's smile in the background! :)

I looked up in my living room and saw these three on the couch.. it tickled me cause Jersey looked BIGGER than the girls ! Isn't that funny?!
I ALWAYS put my phone on my shirt like this. I looked down at J and she had done this on her own accord! Made me smile for sure! BTW, she was not the first to mimic me... my Ju Ju did it weeks ago and it brightened my whole day to hear it! :)


  1. I love your new layout and your ABC's. :)
    In my prayers. XOXO

  2. My girls have WAAAAY too much fun when you are around! Thanks again. I bet Jersey was glad to have you back all to himself!
