
Friday, October 16, 2009


I am counting down the seconds till my hubby comes home today. I am soo bored.

I have been checking everyday since last Saturday for the dog park pictures to be posted, and they are still not yet. :/ I CAN'T WAIT! lol Now that I write this, they will probably post them, and you will see and "update" to this blog. lol Murphy's Law.

Tomorrow I have a photoshoot to do with a budding photographer. She wanted pics of Jersey, and also needed pics of brides. SO, I offered to bring my dress as well. Come on now, you would have done the same thing! So what if I have been married for 2.5 years! lol I am VERY excited for tomorrow! :)

I am also excited for tomorrow to FINALLY let the cat out of the bag! Wahoo! :)

I was looking through wedding pics yesterday, and I came across these candids from family. I never looked too closely since they are not the best quality, but when I looked again, I LOVED THEM!!! :) Enjoy! :) {I usually take the time to get my pics on here in order, but I got these pics out of 3 different folders, and did not have the energy to correct them} lol

Waiting in the backroom, about to go down the aisle. :)
My mother in law sneaking a peek of me in the backroom :)
I love the backdrop for the bouquet ;) my dress! lol
Do you think we had fun? :)
My grandpa caught this one and I think it turned out pretty nice! :)
If you look closely, (click on it to enlarge), you will see my hubs crying.. he did the whole time. :) What can I say, he loves me! :)
During his vows, (crying again) :)
Back to the dance, we are both laughing! :)
Him smiling again... in all pics he is smiling while looking into my eyes! Great job family photogs! :)

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