
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More Like Me :)

Yesterday my post was not like me, but this one is more like me. :) Well it is still not like me in that my camera is dead so these next few pictures are from my camera. lol

I am the LAST person who will buy into the whole global warming garbage. BUT it never hurts to help our environment within reason. Like I said, I don't buy GW nor do I buy the whole going green... but I will jump on the reusable shopping bag bandwagon. :) I was at Petsmart and saw really cute bags and wanted to buy them. So I decided to make my own. Today I made three, and I will make more later. :)
Birdie Front...
Birdie back... one of my favorite verses.
Keierleber front...
Keierleber back... heart was hard to cut out of fabric lol
Jesus' Love front...
Jesus' Love back. :)

The Petsmart ones were pretty cute, but I like these better. :)


Did you notice the picture I posted yesterday, and I said I wanted to frame it? Well...

I did a frame transplant... twice...

I had a frame of an adoption poem I wrote...
and I had this picture framed...
I put the picture in the poem frame, and I think I like it better cropped this way...
and in the other frame I framed my picture from yesterday. I also couldn't resist framing it with Cheetah print... LOVE IT!!! :)


Completely random but fun...

LOVE Bolt... made me think of Jersey... PK thinks we need to give Jersey a bolt...
Whatcha think... make it a permanent change? ;) lol


Last but not least, my friend Haley gave me an Over The Top blog award!

With accepting it, I must answer these questions and pass on this award to 7 other bloggers!

1. Where is your cell phone: on my shirt, (as always) :)
2. Your hair: in a ponytail
3. Your mother: at home
4. Your father: in San Antonio
5. Your favorite food: PIZZA!
6. Your dream from last night: I apparently was running around with old high school friends, Lindsay Perry, and Anthony Piazza to name 2- CArazy!
7. Your favorite drink: Sweet Tea from Chick Fil A
8. Your dream/goal: to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord
9. What room are you in: living room
10. What is your hobby: decorating, creating, writing, reading
11. What is your fear: Loved ones I know not knowing Jesus, so they go to hell.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: Where ever God leads us, (but being a mommy while we are there would be nice) :)
13. Where were you last night: Running with my hubs, and hanging out with him at our house. :)
14. Something you are not: ashamed of the Gospel
15. Muffins: banana nut
16. Wish List items.: to tell you what the big changes are in our life... and for them to occur soon! :)
17. Where did you grow up: Richmond, Texas
18. Last thing you did: Did my aforementioned crafts
19. What are you wearing: t shirt and shorts
20. Your TV: The Second Chance, (a movie)
21. Your pets: Jersey, 3 year old Maltichon
22. Your friends: a blessing
23. Your life: is about to dramatically change
24. Your mood: Anxious, but a good anxious
25. Missing someone: My sister, Tracie
26. Vehicle: Dodge Journey
27. Something your not wearing: makeup
28. Your favorite store: Hobby Lobby
29. Your favorite color: PINK
30. When's the last time you laughed: Today too many occurrences to just pick one! lol
31. When's the last time you cried: oh geeze- I always cry- whether it is a happy or sad thing- most of the time it is for joy over something God has done in my life! :)
32. Your best friend: my hubs!
33. One place you go over and over: Hobby Lobby and Walmart
34. One person who emails me regularly: My hubs.
35. Favorite place to eat? Spaghetti Warehouse, Double Daves

Now I tag:


  1. SO funny that you were running around with me in a dream. Hope I wasn't doing anything outrageous ;o)

  2. Thanks Tricia! That was sweet of you to think of me.

    Can't wait can't wait can't wait for your announcement !!!!!

  3. so now I see the photo that got jammed in my printer! Consider yourself lucky i thought the printer was dead- but I got it to work, you are forgiven lol
