
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not Like Me

♥ Posting once a week is not like me at all. With our lives on hold, I feel like I have nothing to blog about. I want to fill everyone in on what is going on, but hopefully you will not have to wait much longer.

♥ This past weekend I babysat for our Pastor's kids while he and his wife were out of town, and we had a great time. On Saturday, we went to the grand opening of the Sugar Land Dog Park. There, we met a photographer who did free pics! She will upload them any day now and then I will upload them on here! :) Highlight of the day for sure!

♥ Every time I charge my camera it decides to shut off for a day or two, then finally decides to charge. I assumed it was the charger, and knew I needed to buy a new one soon. Well, I charged it on Thursday, and I think the charger killed my camera. joy.

♥ Yesterday I got to meet Baby Elizabeth and Baby Jade, and I enjoyed their families' company! :)

♥ Jersey just got a spankin' because he, (once again), ate my Burt's Bees colored chap stick. Wouldn't be so terrible if the stick didn't cost like $8! He better be glad I love him so much or I may have been REALLY mad at him.

♥ I am off to watch a movie with my baby boy. Life is good. Well, it would be even better if my hubby was home with us too! :)
I made this a couple of weeks ago, and I REALLY want to blow it up and frame it in my house... (took this pic on our 2nd anniversary) :) {Click on it to enlarge it and read the quote}

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