
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rolla- Coasta


Yes, these last few weeks have been a roller coaster for me. One week we are moving to Dallas, the next California, and then finally we decide to stay here.

With being on the roller coaster for so long, I have no energy to go into all the details of the move etc. Just know we are here to stay for at least 3 years.

Besides PK going to seminary, (he will be attending Dallas Theological Seminary here in Houston), what does this entail for our family?


Well, kinda. You see I am going back to work. I will not be working long enough to invest in having a class room and all that that requires etc, so I am just getting a job to pay the bills so to speak. A job that is easily left when need be, ya know? (like one that will not require the use of my college degree, but that's ok lol). So, I start tomorrow at JC Penny as a photographer! I am actually pretty excited about this job. It sounds like something I will REALLY enjoy! I also applied to James Avery, so we'll see if that pans out. There are two reasons why I am so willing to work my butt off at two jobs.

Paul's job will pay for home, bills, food, seminary, etc.

My job will pay for:
1. MY CAR! It will take approximately 7 months to pay it off. I told my boss that I am willing to work open to close etc, cause I REALLY want the money because...

2. After the car is paid off- We will not be adopting locally as before, we are going to go to Africa and we will bring home a baby boy and a toddler girl, (Lord willing)!!! Please be in prayer for our little ones. I'll give names later! ;) (No we have not picked them out, nor will we for awhile- we just know we want a girl and a baby brother for her). :) Obviously, this endeavor is costly, (it actually costs what a new car would cost or what seminary would cost, so yeah, its expensive). We could afford to just save up money with PKs job etc, but we would have to wait. SO, I am going to work work work to get them home asap. We are still looking at another almost 2 years till they are home with us, but it is still better than going to Cali and putting the adoption on hold for 3 or more years! :) In about 7 months we will begin the process of Adopting our African Angels!

Last week I mentioned my photo shoot with a budding photographer... well here is a sneak peek of her work... of the few I have seen, this is one of my FAVES!!!

How cute is this??? :) Once I get them all, I will post more and link to her website! :)

Your prayers have meant so much to me, thank you so much!


  1. OKAY so you are staying put & PK is doing seminar through????? I am not getting where he is going. All right well I will be praying for you. Hope it all works out for you guy. Have you thought about teaching pre-k or something like that at a mothers day out program. I think that you would be really good at that. Jacobs old school would be a really good one to try. The School for the little children.

  2. Very glad you are staying! The girls will be thrilled to hear it! :)
