
Tuesday, October 27, 2009



After training at JCPenny Photography for ONE DAY, I got a new job! lol I was REALLY excited about JCP but I found a better offer! :)

I started today with a wonderful family. They own a real estate company, and have 3 children. I work a little at the company, and then spend the rest of my time with the kids! This is sooo perfect for me! I LOVE the mom- well, I love everyone at the company! I spent today with C, and I met A and M. I LOVE C! She is so cute and soo fun!!! She is a little chef- puts me to shame for sure! I just love her! I can't wait to get to know A and M better!

Hopefully no more job changes here! lol

Ok, so I have no pics for this post either, so I will post another one from the photo shoot- hopefully I will get them all soon and I will do a full post over the up and coming photographer! :)
Can you tell how much I love him? ;)


  1. I love this picture of you and Jersey! And congrats on the new job :)!

  2. So are you like a nanny or do you just babysit for them?

    That pic is beautiful!

    I love your fall blog layout!
