
Monday, November 2, 2009

Adoption Awareness Month

As we all know, October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Now, don't get me wrong, I was greatly affected by breast cancer myself. My grandmother fought it 3 times before it finally took her life in 2002 at the young age of 56.

BUT, October is over. November is Adoption Awareness Month. One of my goals/dreams in life is that Adoption Awareness Month will be as "celebrated" as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Check out my post from today from my other blog.

To kick off this month, I will reveal the name of our African Angels. :) Lord willing, we will be adopting, (in like 2 years or so), 2 African Angels. They probably are not even born yet, but I already love them. Please join me in praying for these angels and all of the other African Angels that are orphaned. All they want this Christmas is a Daddy and Mommy.

Ann Marie Paulie Keierleber and Bradford Paul Keierleber

Ann Marie Paulie is the name of my character in my book, "She is Not Your Real Mommy." It is only fitting for our little African Angel girl to be named after her. :) How cool will it be for Ann Marie to do a book report over a book written by her mommy and starring her! :) My dad was adopted... Ann was his birth mother and Marie is his mom. That is where I got the name Ann Marie. I wanted to give her a tie to us, but lets face it, Keierleber is a name and a half! lol So, I gave her the name Paulie, (my husband's name is Paul). We are making this her middle name in real life, so she will be named after her daddy, 2 of her paternal great grandma's on her mother's side, her maternal great grandmother on her mother's, (her middle name was Ann :)), and her mommy, (Marie is my middle name). Pretty cool, huh? :)

Bradford Paul takes a little less explanation. I have a list of boy's names that I like, and this was Paul's favorite, so we picked it! lol And his middle name is after is daddy of course. Pretty explanatory! lol

Ann Marie is a pretty traditional name, and I prefer unique names. She will probably be the only one of our children with a traditional name. BUT, while her name is traditional, it has a pretty cool background! :) Bradford is quite different, and for our other children, we have pretty cool names picked out too! :)

Please join us in praying for Ann Marie and Bradford. AND for all of the other orphans in the world- everyday, and especially during Adoption Awareness Month. Please get the word out. ♥

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