
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tired Tuesday

Ok, I'm tired. The kids' mom is out of town, so I am on full time, and I must admit I am tired. This is counter intuitive, but I find staying with younger kids is easier than older kids. Not that I love these kiddos any less- they are just not as easy as little kids. :)

So my camera bit the dust. I was very very very sad. I figured I wouldn't get another one for a long time-and that is just not cool. Well, Paul's Mama wanted to get me a present because she said she was proud of me for being so supportive of her son with going back to work so he could go to seminary, etc.

I was a little leery about this because I really wanted a REALLY nice camera, and I feared she would think I was taking advantage of her generosity. She was fine with the cost, and I was THRILLED!!! I thought about getting an SLR, but I decided on a Canon Power Shot G10. IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I told Paul to tell them that it was really an investment for them since one day it will take awesome pics of their grand kids. ;)

Ready for LOTS of pics??? :)

One of the last pics I got before my camera died- I got these shots of our friend's daughter. I am just now posting them- sorry Brooke! :) {notice how these pics look, then notice the quality of the rest of the pics in the post} ;)

Mudge sleeps with her tongue out... SO CUTE!!!

Here are some of the first shots from my new camera...

Ok, join me on a little detour for a minute...

My sister, Tracie died on a Friday. After arriving home that day, I did not leave again until Sunday for Church, and not again until Tuesday. As you can imagine it was a great time of mourning. I broke down in Michael's on the Tuesday my dear friends finally dragged me out of the house. Leaving the house was very difficult at that time, but why/how did I make it to Church?

Not going to Church was not an option. I needed to be in the prescence of my Father, (I already was, but there is something special about being in corporate worship). I needed to be hugged by my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

I broke down a few times there, (these brake downs and the one at Michael's were one of the few times I lost it. It was such a shock, I was almost void of emotion at times). Anyway, worship began as it does every Sunday, and I rose to sing as I do every Sunday. The first song we sang was one that I always liked, but that day its meaning would change forever. Some of you have heard this following part before, but it explains the below pics, so keep reading. :)

It was the song, "You are Holy." The chorus which was/is my favorite part goes: "He is Lord of Lords! He is King of Kings! He is Mighty God, Lord of Everything! He is Immanuel! He is the Great I Am! He is the Prince of Peace, who is the Lamb! He is the Living God! He is my Saving Grace! He will reign forever, He is the Ancient of Days! He is Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End! He's my Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, and Friend! He's my Prince of Peace and I will live my life for Him!!!"

I lost it towards the end of the chorus. Not because I had lost Tracie, but because in spite of that, I was still worshiping God. That was very comforting for me- knowing that no matter what I was able to praise Him. Calling God my Prince of Peace at that moment was very powerful. Even though I will forever miss my sister, I had peace knowing that God is sovereign, (Romans 8:28).

Since then, I love any song that calls out the names of God. I always wanted to post them in my house, but didn't know how I would. Over the weekend, I made something to satisfy that want...
This is the first thing you see as you enter my house. The words in red are names of Christ, whether from the Bible or just from songs...
On the letters of Jesus, I wrote "Jesus loves you," in Greek, Spanish, German, French and Hebrew. Pretty cool, huh? :)

Today I was playing with my camera, and took shots of my favorite model. Notice the black couch covers- updated house pics soon, I promise! :) Some with and some without flash... with= w, without= w/o. Enjoy :)


PS... Mom, did you notice that the girls forgot one of their bones here, so Jersey decided to give it a run... I am a paranoid mom, so I didn't let him chew it long. lol He will be returning it to his aunts soon. ;)

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