
Thursday, November 12, 2009

What makes me smile...

The title of this post was going to be something about making me happy. But- it would not be entirely true.

You see, Christ brings me Joy.

Paul and Jersey make me happy.

This stuff makes me smile. :)

I had this 16x20 picture of Jersey on my dad's property in our entry way. It was nice, but I wanted something different.... something God honoring...

Ta-da! I took some pics from the shoot with Traci Marie Photography, and I put them in a frame with leopard as the background. (sorry it is crooked- it is straight on the wall- I just couldn't get a straight shot! It had to be crooked, otherwise the flash would reflect directly over the main pic, and I didn't want that) :)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7

Things that make me smile:
  • Christ centered decorating- check
  • Leopard print- check
  • Pictures of my family- check
  • Decorating with photography- check

In other news, meet Archie:
The mom I work for, N- this is her boyfriend's dog. Since they are out of town, I am also watching over Archie. He is a Labradoodle, but he sure resembles someone I love... :)

Archie is cute, and he looks an awful lot like Jersey, but he is nothing compared to my sweet baby! :)

Random... Ghosts caught on film...
Ok, so they are not ghosts, they are cows in a field... but you have to admit that this pic creepy! lol


  1. I love what you did with the pictures! You got leopard print in there even if hubby wouldn't let us use it on Jersey!

    The bigger Jersey look alike is adorable.
