
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What Can I Do?

Please watch then read below...

I have always loved this song, but now I love it even more! I have just been feeling so overwhelmed by God's love lately. I know God has me right where He wants me. Waiting to adopt is hard, but when God revealed to me that this time is His timing- it makes the waiting much easier. If you want more details, just ask, but I am not writing them on here for a reason. :)

It is just so humbling that God revealed to me some of His plan. Usually we go through things, and we are like, " I know this is His plan, though I do not know why," etc. Well, God has shown me some "whys" and I am so thankful! It is such a gift from my Father!

Now I always know God loves me, but I am feeling it stronger right now. Like we know our husbands love us, but then they do something extra special to show us their love and we feel super loved... that is how I feel!

On Sunday we had a leaders meeting at our church which we always open with worship. Greg, (our worship pastor), sang the above song, and in the middle asked for anyone to share some worship stories/praises etc. I rose my hand and shared the full story with them about what God revealed to me, and I about lost it. I had felt it in my heart and told it to Paul, but to admit it to a large group of my Brothers and Sisters and to know that it was worshipful to God to do so left me overcome with emotion. That was the beginning of me feeling hugged and loved strongly by God. :)

I still CANNOT wait to hold my baby(ies), but I have comfort in my waiting because God showed me why I have to wait. :)

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