
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Baby Love

Update: Well, I was wrong... I do have something to write about... go see my other blog. :) Muy Importante!

I have nothing really significant to blog about at the moment. BUT Kristin just sent me some pics from the past that I must share! They are of me and her daughter, Ju Ju. :) If you have been reading for awhile, then you know who I am talking about. Thanks Kristin for these pics. I love them!

Here we are on Halloween 08. Her and I hung out the whole time, so I had to watch her candy intake- otherwise there would have been a major sugar overload as you may imagine. lol This was one of the first I gave her- as if you couldn't tell from her expression!!! How cute is that!?!?
Here we are a year later, October of 2009. Her hair is longer, and my hair is blonde! lol

Last weekend was Ju Ju's 3rd birthday! I can't believe she is 3!!! I missed her birthday which I REALLY can't believe, and I am so bummed about it! I need some Ju Ju time, and I also promised Abigail some time too, per her request, (umm like anyone could say no to her). I love these "babies." Ok they are 3 and 2... time FLIES!!!!! Being around them will brighten your whole day- it sure brightens mine.

And do you want to know something- when we were planning on moving- these 2 girls were the ones who were breaking my heart to leave the most. Other people can read this blog, send me an email or call me, so distance is not so hard. Being away from them- they can't do any of that, and they grow and change so quickly... When I told Ju Ju's mom this, (and this was after we decided not to move-actually it was the day after the 2nd pic), I cried. Yep, after we had already decided not to move. It was that hard for me to think about leaving these girls.

So Kristin and Kristi, I need to see y'all and your kiddos soon, (and y'all know that I LOVE Glo Glo and Andrew too)!!! :) Ok, so Christmas is coming up, and we are all busy, but let's try to get together soon! Love y'all!

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