
Sunday, December 20, 2009


Our precious friends, the Ross Family, are in need of urgent prayer for their one year old son Andrew! If you remember from my last post I was writing about their daughter Abigail.

I will not go into too much detail since it is not my information to share, but this week Andrew is seeing a hematologist. Pray that whatever is wrong with him will be easily diagnosed, and easily curable. More importantly pray for strength for his parents while going through this.

Andrew is the sweetest little boy! He is the best smiler I have EVER seen! All I have to do when I see him is say, (in a high baby voice), "Hi Andrew," and I will get a smile like above. He can be crying and you say hi to him and he will still shine his precious smile! His smile can brighten your darkest day!

Rosses, I have cried numerous tears and have been praying non stop. Please let me know if I can do anything for y'all! We love y'all!!!!!