
Monday, January 4, 2010

Oh, the cow in the meadow goes moo...

10 points if you know where my title comes from. 100 points if you can finish that sentence. :)

Do you remember this post about the kids' rooms? Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the linked in post to see the cow room, and there is another link to my original design in that room. I think it is fun to see it evolve.


I had been wanting a bunk bed for that room. We were looking at adopting a sibling group of three a couple of months back. A little girl, (her's would have been the bird room), and two boys who would share the cow room. So, of course I wanted to buy bunk beds. I have been told not to get those beds cause they are hard to make, etc. But, I found shorter, safer bunks at the cost of about $850. Joy.

A couple of months ago I went looking around at garage sales for some kind of treasure for the kids' rooms. What do I find but the PERFECT bunk bed for a whopping $75!!!! SOLD! I was so excited. My poor friends that were with me probably wanted to hit me because I kept going on and on about how excited I was about it. :) Well it has taken us a couple of months, but we have FINALLY put it in the cow room. TADA! Jersey is modeling the bed for us. :) I need a top mattress, (a small one that is made for the bed), and I need to get the bedding- obviously. :)
Another angle, with some of the decor. :) Oh, and I will be painting the blue paneling. :) I told Paul to come in and take a pic with it just so you could see how short it is. He did not want to cooperate at all, and he finally gave this silly smile. lol But, can't you see how nice and short the bed is? :)

Please take a look at my post below and give me some advice if you are a doggie parent. :)

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