
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Through the years ♥

Real quick- thanks to Ashley and Lindsay- Jersey will be getting to go to Petco soon! :)

Back when I posted some of our Christmas decor, I had to leave this little bit out because it was incomplete. I decided to do frames, adding a new one every year of us at Christmas time. Over Christmas I got some of the pictures from Paul's dad- so without further adieu...

{click pic to enlarge}
2006, our first Christmas together and we were engaged.
2007, our first Married Christmas- if I knew this would have been the only pic of us that year, I would have told Paul's dad to wait and I would have changed and put makeup on lol.
2008, nothing of significance to note other than we were together! :)
2009, Our first Christmas in our HOME! :) (why Jersey was only in this one I do not know. He should have been in all but the first one- seeing as we didn't have him yet).

Can't wait to get pics for 2010 etc!!! Before we know it, there will be kiddos in the pics with us!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. u both are so precious!

    I look forward to getting to know you even more in 2010!

