
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Boston Day Four- April 9

Our last day. :( The whole trip Mr. Incredible lamented that he wished we had more time. Me too.

Thursday night I did not go to sleep. We got in late and watched a little tv, then I realized I would be getting up in a couple hours and decided to stay awake. I am so glad that my blood shot eye does not show up in these pics- it was my first one ever and it looks like a popped a blood vessel or something.

We took the T to Fenway for the tour of the park, but we arrived super early. So we walked around:
Look at the Canadian geese, the pretty tree, and the little squirrel in mid run/hop. :)
I couldn't get enough of the trees!
This building was so much prettier in person. This also happens to be a university campus. I would have loved to have gone to school here! A whole block from Fenway, and it was adorable to boot!
The view from the press box.

Us on the Monster.
View from the Monster seats.
The grandstand. Original seats from the 30s! So cool!

We then went to the Prudential building to go on the skywalk and it was so cloudy you couldn't see a thing. Bummer. Next time- and believe me- there will be a next time! We LOVED Boston!

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