
Friday, April 16, 2010

Worth Every Penny

We had the pleasure of getting our pictures taken by Jaymes Leavitt in Boston.
My Fav!

The 2 pics below were one of the reasons I hired Jaymes in the first place. Acorn Street in Boston has beautiful cobble stone streets. I HAD to get pics done here! (Not to mention also the beautiful buildings, the flag, and the 100+ year old gas lamps).

The second reason I wanted professional pics was because I wanted shots at Fenway!

I HAD to get a pic in front of the 2007 banner, sicne we were married in 2007! Also, what is cool- if you notice the years of all three pics here: I was married in 2007, I graduated College in 2007, I graduated high school in 2004 and I was born in 1986. Cool, huh?

There were so many wonderful pics and he was worth every penny!!! I highly recommend Jaymes if you are ever in the Boston area! I also highly recommend getting a photog when you go on vacay! {hint hint Ivy for Spain}


  1. what a GREAT idea... sounds soo pricey though for us :( especially in Spain - i would have no idea how to start going about hiring someone! the pictures look awesome!

  2. I love the pictures! They turned out so cute! :)

  3. Oh How I love Boston and the Sox too! Stopping over from Mckmama's and just wanted to say hello- especially to a fellow Red Sox gal!!!!

    Your blog (and your family) is adorable :)
