
Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This is my 400th post!!! Wow right?!? :)

I wanted to have a really exciting post for my 4ooth, but this is all I could do:

Well, this is really exciting to us, but since there will be lack of details- it will be less exciting to you. We have only been officially active in the adoption process since March. We kinda took an, (unplanned), hiatus in April. Now we are trying to finish up a few small odds and ends so we can have our Home Study, (LAST STEP IN THE PROCESS)!!! It has gone by quicker than most adoption processes actually, (especially if we didn't have that little hiatus). The exciting news?? Well, I can't tell you- but it is something we have been praying for and dreaming of since mid March- and as soon as we have our Home Study- you will be able to find out what- ok maybe not AS SOON AS, but pretty soon after that! :) It is all I can think about!!!! It is becoming hard to function! ;)

Want a hint?
Ok, so not much of a hint since this pic has been on here like 4 times since March, but believe me if you knew what this was- you would be very excited! Oh, and your prayers would be greatly appreciated concerning this shadow and another little one like it. ;)

Something else that is consuming my thoughts? Remember a few months ago, I said I wanted to redo the bird room. Well, I am. HA! I have NO self control!!! lol Honestly though, these birds/color scheme are so much classier than the ones I had for the room! In the next few weeks stay tuned for a super adorable new bird room!!! {hey, Mommy here has to keep her hands busy with something- it is after all called NESTING} ;)

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