
Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Best Thing That Never Happened

So I saw an episode of the Simpsons, (I do not in anyway endorse this show), that had an interesting quote and storyline.

Moe the bartender noticed 3 marriages on the rocks so he made up and elaborate ruse to make the husbands see how badly they were treating their wives, (yes this is the Simpsons- are you as shocked as I was?). He claimed to the husbands that he was leaving town and one of their wives would be joining him. As Homer arrives home and finds out it was a ruse, he tells Marge, "This is the best thing that never happened."

Probably supposed to be a funny line from the less than intelligent Homer, but I think it was pretty smart.

There are a lot of things in our lives like this.

For instance, right before Christmas, do you remeber praying for this little cutie?We feared he had Leukemia. We were at a Christmas concert and I cried (quite hysterically), the whole time. We would sing worship songs, and as I would sing along, I was basically praying for him and his family. Well, he is 100% ok and cancer free. Nothing too significant was wrong with him! To this day, I remember that time very well, and I often thank God for keeping him healthy.

I see it as the best thing that never happened to him! He never actually had cancer in his body, but we have never been more thankful for someone to be cancer free!

Is the quote starting to make sense?

Back in October 2008 I thought I was having a stroke. Literally a stroke- click here to read all about it. That was the best thing that never happened to me. It was my wake up call and got me into shape.

After a good long while of eating healthy and exercising, I fell off the wagon. Well, folks I am officially back on the wagon. I am sick right now with another wake up call from God. I have been trying to get back on the wagon for sometime now, and I guess God decided to give me a little push since I was struggling so much. (He is great about doing that by the way). :)

So, what is it in your life that is the best thing that never happened??? :)


  1. That episode of the Simpsons is a parody of the movie A Letter to Three Wives, an old movie from 1949 with Jeanne Crain and Kirk Douglas. It's a great movie. You should see it!

  2. something to think about for sure!

  3. First off, it takes special talent to start off with a Simpson reference and then turn it into something like this post- way to go! These are great things to think about and I'm so happy to hear that little cutie is healthy and that you are thinking healthy thoughts, yourself :)

    Say your side picture changed- very nice oh, and I just read your previous post and I'm all kinds of excited!!! AND I have to find out more about this bird room? a kiddo's room? a place for Bolt's buddies to sleep over? do you actually own birds? Hmmm...
