
Monday, May 17, 2010

Decorator Depression

A new friend is unfamiliar with the bird room, so you, (and anyone else of interest) can click here to see what it looks like as of now. :)

As I said a few posts ago, I am redoing it in Vera Bradley's Sittin' in a Tree print. I have a whole shopping cart full at her website that I had full intention of buying soon.

Well, I was browsing online and I found a website that sells VB fabric BY THE YARD!!! Yeah, try finding that everyday- YOU CAN'T!

So I had a cart full of 10 yards(2 different prints at 5 yards each), of Sittin in a Tree and 5 yards of this print. The Sittin in a Tree was obviously for the bird room, while the other fabric is just to have on stock for when I redo a room, etc. :)

I was spending the same amount at both stores and the fabric was a much better deal! After BEGGING Mr. Incredible, he allowed me to purchase the fabric! OH HAPPY DAY!

Well, to ship 15 yards of fabric- cost is $90+!!!!!! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Obviously that is not gonna happen now!!!

I am so bummed! Honestly, I am quite pathetic. I have been thinking about this fabric since I found it,and the FIRST thing I thought of this morning was how cute the 2nd fabric would be in an entry way. I had it all decorated in my head- then reality hit and I remembered I am not getting it after all. Sigh.

I am off to clean the house so 1. we can prepare for our EVENTUAL home study, and 2. I can justify redoing the bird room. ;) {and yes I will be going back to plan A and purchasing the products from the VB website}

1 comment:

  1. just a thought... you could list the bird room decor as a "set" on the baby / kids section of craigslist and make some of the $ you need for fabric. :)
