Here's what's goin' on:
- My sweet friend is giving away a copy of my book- click here for a chance to win!
- Tomorrow Mr. Incredible is taking off work so we can run our last minute adoption errands- TB tests, finger prints etc- next stop- HOME STUDY! {will let you know when that is officially scheduled!}
- Help a sista out! I am collecting UPCs from my bread- Sara Lee's Soft and Smooth. With so many UPCs you can earn free Toy Story 3 merchandise- I want two sets of the breakfast sets, (plate and cup). I have 2 cuties in mind for this, so I need to get 2 sets. I am up to 4 of the needed 8 UPCs- SO if you have some lying around and will not be using them- send them my way please! :) {ps I have never bought this bread before, but I LOVE it! It really is so smooth! The wheat's texture seems like white bread- LOVE IT!}
- I have been cleaning the house in preparation of the home study. We are making the bird room into a craft room/guest room. When we eventually move, we will keep this room as it is, and if we get a girl one day then she will have her own room, separate from this one. :) Mr. Incredible's dad is bringing us a full/queen sized bed next weekend for this room. :) I will be building a desk for this room out of a door- future post of course. :)

Here are a few of the VB items already purchased for the room- few more on the way by mail. ;) Makes me all warm and fuzzy- so pretty! Oh and I found a site that sells
VB RUGS!!! I am so saving up and getting one for this room!!!

I reorganized a lot of my craft stuff into these cute brown baskets. Cute, but when seen from up top- not so cute. Once I have my desk in I will decided what to do with all this...

Once I am done with the room, this is my next project. My sewing machine was a Christmas gift back in what, 2004?? I opened it to teach myself how to use it, and couldn't figure out how to thread the bobbin. So, here she sits. So sad. Not for long though- in my order of VB items, are cloth napkins, which I will make into a throw pillow for the bed. :)
I am taking sewing classes at Jo-Ann and the bobbin threading is the first thing I learned. The classes go on sale every week. I would HIGHLY recommend them!!