1. Veggie Tales Live is comin Sept 25- we are so takin the kids!!
2. Stevie Joy Chapman is going to be a Veggie in a Christmas Veggie Tales!!! We can't wait!!! It will have a focus on adoption since the Chapman's are involved- Veggie Tales, Christmas and Adoption- doesn't get much better than that!!!
3. Mr. Incredible is DONE with the sprinklers. Not a big deal or anything. He just HAND DUG 9 ZONES ALL BY HIMSELF. I am so proud!!! :)
So a few days ago, y'all probably realized we here at the Keierleber home had an epiphany. If I was pregnant I would be in my third trimester of the pregnancy. Anyone who is preg, (and especially that far along), is recognized and celebrated on Mother's Day. Just because my kids are not growing in my tummy, does NOT mean that I am not a mom to be, nor should it exclude me from celebrating Mother's Day. :)
Two good friends of mine are TTC, so they got Mommy to be, Mother's day cards from me. I know how hard it is to sit idle by on Mother's Day thinking, "if I had it MY WAY I WOULD be a mommy RIGHT NOW!"
See why it was so revolutionary to me when I realized that I am basically in my third trimester- it is time to get excited- I am ALMOST A MOMMY!!! My kids are already born, and I am just waiting to finish this silly process so I can bring them home- whomever they may be. :)
Tomorrow, Mr. Incredible is taking for out for the day to celebrate! Maybe by Father's Day our kiddos will be home!! :) Mr. Incredible got me this shirt- but I will not wear it till the kiddos come:
Happy Mother's Day to my mom, stepmom, mother in law, and to all you Mommies out there- TTC, Mom's to Be, New Mom's and Vets. :)
that is a great shirt and very thoughtful of your hubby! It was great to hear Pastor Brent talk this morning about the desire for children coming straight from the Lord! May He grant you the desires of your heart SOON! :)