
Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Friends are just so special. And friends that are believers, (and if you are a believer too), well, they are more than just "like sisters", they ARE your sisters! How cool is that?! I am so thankful to even this blog. It keeps me in contact with friends from high school, friends that live SUPER far away, and has even helped me meet new friends, whom I SO wish I knew in "real life." :)

Yesterday my BFF got some heartbreaking news. Her and her husband cannot have children. Now, being my BFF will bring her comfort in the future seeing as we are not having birth children, (BY CHOICE), and since we are HUGE proponents of adoption. We have actually already started talking about her options there, which makes me very happy! Please pray for them in their time of grief, and pray for them as they move towards adopting! While on the subject, I have another friend TTC which is taking a little longer than we would like. Please pray for her too! :)

Through little twists of fate, (excuse me GOD'S SOVEREIGN PLAN!!!!), I have had a new friend in my life for a few months. She is a great friend and a great mom! She also happens to be a handy woman!

Yesterday I debuted a ghetto fabulous part of my house. There used to be another, (sorry I never got a pic). I needed a window covering for my back door, and to save money, I just nailed up some fabric there to LOOK like a curtain. Ghetto fabulous indeed, but it did its purpose! lol My new dear, (and uber talented), friend offered to make it into a Roman shade for me. OK!!! :)
When it is fully down...
Half way up...
all the way up...
She did an AWESOME job and we are so thankful and in love. :)

She is great at sewing curtains etc, but her new passion in wood working:

My new fav- toy bins. You betcha I am gonna be buying these from her!!
Big kids size picnic table, (she also has a little kids size one which I HAVE to buy for our kitchen- in some shade of gold- yes I practicality dream about it). ;)
Stinkin' adorable hanging book shelf!! Can you believe she makes all these herself with wood and a saw?!?!

If you are interested in "hiring" her to make you so amazing home stuff, let me know and I will get you her info!!! You won't be sorry! :) And you will get to see what an awesome friend she is! ;)

1 comment:

  1. you are too sweet for highlighting my work like that! God blessed me with my talents and skills and it is a JOY to make things for friends! My feelings are mutual regarding our friendship - can't wait to see what God has in store for the future!
