
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

SURPRISE! Another Home Decor Post! ;)

I go to Hobby Lobby at least once a week. Every penny I earn, am given as a gift, or am given as blow money, (we follow Dave Ramsey), goes to Hobby Lobby! I am in love!

Well, I go the the same few Hobby Lobbies all the time. A few weeks ago we were in a different part of town, and just cause he loves me so much, Mr. Incredible offered to let me go to Hobby Lobby, (seriously, it was out of the goodness of his heart, cause what man enjoys that place? I know he does not!) :) So, OF COURSE I am not going to turn down the generous opportunity! Well, while we were there, I spotted two HD2HV, (had to have), items that I have never seen at any other Hobby Lobby! Money was not ready to be blown at that time, so I had to pass them up. Sigh. Well, last week we sold some junk of ours and got a little blow money, $20 to be exact. I ran to that Hobby Lobby and the 2 things I wanted were each $25 and were both marked down 50%! SCORE! I can get both items for $25!! Since we earned the $20, we only had to pay $7 out of pocket, (after tax) for both HD2HV items!! (and even if we had to pay the $27, it would still be an AWESOME price)! Did I mention I LOVE Hobby Lobby?! ;)
My first HD2HV purchase would be joining these lovely ladies...
Full price- $25! For a beautiful framed piece. Seriously, if it was marked by value, it should have cost $50- but hey- I am not one to argue about little things like something being sold for undervalue! ;) If you have read this blog for awhile, or if you have been to my house, you know I LOVE the names of Jesus! To read about why click here, (it is below the pics of the cute Mastiff), and if you would like to see a "Names of Jesus" project I did myself click here. :)Here is the completed "transformation." :) Sorry for the glare!
This is the next HD2HV from Hobby Lobby! Isn't is awesome!?
I love the "worn" look, and I LOVE how it pops on the wall!!!
This little guy was $2 at Hobby Lobby! HD2HV for the boys' room, and the price was unbeatable!!!

Fits in nicely, don'tcha think? :)

ATTENTION: frugal decorating secrets about to be exposed!!! I LOVE decorating, and doing it inexpensively is even better! I have started a side "business" which I will debut soon that involves this. I wanted to call it "Design on a Dime," but that name is already taken. Mr. Incredible came up with a cute name though for it. :) Ok, ready for some secrets???
{First of all, the table was moved so it is off center from the painting - will be fixed soon!} The painting was purchased at a Christian store. It was originally $150, and I bought it for $50. How? There is a typo on it- which by the way you naturally read over and miss, and the font is SO SMALL no one even notices there is writing there in the first place! Anyway, this table is there because we really need some light in this area of the house. {too cheap- with money and time- to let Mr. Incredible install a recessed light at this time}

So, ready for the cheap secrets...
The table is actually our old tv speakers draped in an old curtain. Cost of table- $0. I'd have to say this is the most ghetto fabulous thing in our house. ;)
The lamp- which was purchased to save money on recessed lighting. $17 at Hobby Lobby, down from $40+. There was a beautiful cheetah print lamp also on sale too, but it was on sale for $40. yikes! Then genius struck and I decide to just add the ribbon myself! Just as cute, but way cheaper!!
Why was the lamp marked down so low? This little crack! Just like the painting- not a big problem, but it brought about big savings! :)

{PS, out of everything shown here-only the HD2HVs were purchased recently. Everything else was purchased awhile ago, (some as long as 3 years ago). Just FYI since you know we had to save for the inspections. Didn't want you to think I was just blowing money left and right, while our kids are not here with us}


  1. Tricia, If you ever need lamps, Kirklands is THE place to buy them! They have awesome sales and the lamps are always really inexpensive.

    Just my decorating tip for the day :)

  2. Good job on the home decorations! You just inspired me to beautify our home in 100 west chestnut.

  3. In fairness, your decoration ideas will suit my new home in apartments for rent miami fl. I'm sure my wife could get ideas from your blog.

  4. I remember my aunt's home in apartments in buckeye. She's always a fan of this kind of decoration/theme.

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