
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bird Room Revamp Reveal

I still have to paint the walls and put in the bed, but at least you can see all the stuff I have made/bought for the bird room. Click here, here, and here, to see my other items I have made or bought for this room over the last few weeks- also you can see a before shot of the room here. :)
First, I unfolded the greeting cards, wrapping paper, etc, and cut them into shapes to be decoupaged...
Then I began painting...
Frugal decor secret! I bought these at Marshall's 3 years ago. {our room used to be black and white} I LOVE these, but they do not really go with our decor so...
instead of spending lots of money on this project by buying many canvases etc, I just used these. :)
For the long center piece that you will see in a minute- I also painted over something I already had. It said, "and they lived happily ever after." {look closely and you can still see it a bit} While I love the saying- the piece as a whole didn't really go with our room... I will eventually add it back in a different more appropriate style. :)
My "happy helper." Ok, he at least kept me company. :)

Drum Roll Please..........

The finished product:
The "over the bed" decor. Click on pic to enlarge. {the top/middle square- the image is from file folders I bought- LOVE THEM}
I hand wrote Bible verses/quotes about birds: Matthew 6:26, Matthew 10:29-31, Psalm 50:11, part of the song that goes: "I sing because I'm happy. I sing because I'm free. For His eyes are on the sparrow, and I know He watches me," and Matthew 8:20. {did I mention Matthew is my fav book in the Bible} ;)
Here is a little decoupaged storage caddy. At first I just had the front and side pics on it. Then I realized it needed something else- stroke of genius hit and I added the thin strips us top. :)
Out of everything I made, Mr. Incredible was most impressed by this trash can...
He couldn't get over how it was just plain wood- and then it became this. :)
A frame for the little stickers. :)
Here is a future project: I will have two little hand prints painted on this- one blue and one green. :) Maybe a paw print too?
Another future project: I was going to decoupage this, but the shape makes it hard. Still trying to decide what else to do... maybe the same hand prints?? :)

These were my first decoupage projects using Modge Podge. I have decoupaged using other mediums before, but I will never again use anything but Modge Podge! I am in love! Also, a few weeks ago, I found this craft site- once again- in love!!


  1. So fresh and bright! Well done :) You should be proud of yourself and seriously? I'm right there lovin' on the trash can too because cute trash cans cost an arm and a leg and you did it virtually for free!!!!

  2. SO cute! I'm loving your color/paper choices. So bright and fun!!
