
Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekend Update...

... and here are tonight's top stories: {remember SNL anyone?} ;)

Saturday afternoon was a lazy one:
My boys napping ;)
my cutie patootie about to nap on daddy's foot...
...and he is OUT!
Saturday evening we had a Tbone get together, (we lead the middle school ministry at our church and it is called Tbone). I didn't participate in "Embrace the Camera," officially, but I am still making an effort to embrace it more often. :)
Def not the greatest of Yours Truly, but it IS of my whole fam, so I have to keep it. :) {matching was not planned. He saw me in my jersey and was going to change and I told him that it didn't matter that we were matching- it wouldn't be the first time} :)
Sunday afternoon- just minding my own business on the www, and Bolt decides he is more important than Facebook. ;)

Sunday evening we had a baptism with our church! Such a wonderful time with "family" and what an awesome day to celebrate!! {we had it at one of the members' homes}
Remember Andrew that we prayed for, (he seems to be gracing this blog more than I do now)? ;) I saw him sitting like this and jumped to catch this shot. Too perfect! {this started a whole evening of photo ops with him and his sis}
This is absolutely CHEESETASTIC!!! Seriously, it cracks me up!! His arm- he is posed like a little man, his smile- wow!!! I love this so much I couldn't delete it off my camera. Talk about a mood lifter. Whenever I am down, I will pull out my camera and just look at this. Instant Joy.
Here we began our sibling photo shoot. Out of the like 20 pics I shot- this is probably the best of the 2 of them...
LOVE LOVE LOVE Andrew here!! {Abigail has a beautiful smile of course too} :)

Last shot of our "shoot." Abby was giving me the, "are you done yet eyes." You HAVE to meet her; she is absolutely hilarious!!
Isn't he just beautiful?!
She came off the slide, landed in the grass, and I said, "stop right there!" The grass looked SO good as her background! Unfortuneatly in this pic- the flash highlighted her body, so I had to warm it up to make it look more normal. Quite irritating cause I think this pic is AWESOME of Abigail!!
2 of our newest Tbone members. Cool shot, huh? I HAD to get it- too perfect!


  1. Wonderful pics Tricia! I LOVE the sepia looking one of the kid looking out at the farm on the fence!

    Super cheesetasticly cute kiddos!

    Love u!

  2. You look so skinny! Just wanted to let you know :-)
