
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

An open letter

Dear Boston,

How dare you steal my heart away and then live so far from me. I miss you terribly everyday for so many reasons.

Fenway, Red Sox nation, the amazing architecture, the history, the people, the accents, the weather, the trees, the cobble stone streets, walking or taking the T everywhere, and so many more.

I was watching Cake Boss the other day, and I saw his Lobster Tails. You see, I am pretty sure these are the illusive treats I had in Greece that I COULD NOT find here! {seeing as I had no idea how to make them or what they were called} You HAD to ruin my day again, ole Boston town! I searched for pastry shops in Houston TX, and guess what came up? 6 pastry shops in BOSTON that have Lobster tails, and ZERO in Houston. Thank you very much for rubbing it in Boston! {and no, I did not have to look for the shops in Boston, they were all in my initial search. come on google- Houston and Boston are nowhere near each other in distance or coolness}

Boston, my love, you need to come here, or find a job for my hubs and a house for us to live in pronto!

Love always, your broken hearted Texan who misses you dearly,


1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet. I will pray for a job there for Mr. Incredible.
