
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday to Wednesday= Weak Week

I know, I know, the last time I posted was LAST Wednesday. Sorry! I hate that, but I have not been in the posting mood. Weak Week because I have been weak in regards to posting- not that it has been weak in the excitement department. I HAVE had stuff to post about, but I was either not in the mood, I chose spending time with the hubs over blogging, or I was just too busy. Forgive me. :)

So last night I dreamt about Lobster Tails, (the pastry). Literally, I did! Does ANYONE know where I can get one in Htown?? Google has failed me, but maybe one of you can help!

Last Wednesday we had our home study!! Wahoo!!! Just waiting for our munchkins- any day now! {since I can't share much more on here, I think you will start to understand my lack of posting. There is so much I want to share but can't, so it is just easier not to blog at all sometimes}

Ready for a week's worth of posts??
Father's Day was our LAST SUNDAY in the theater!!! After 9 years, it is about time to have our own building!! Praise God! Will show pics of the new building soon! :)
I have sat in this seat since 2004. I HAD to sit there for my last Sunday! HAD TO! :)

Speaking of Father's Day, remember how I got Mr. Incredible nail polish? Well since I started wearing it on June 19th, I have worn: pink, brown, purple, blue, right now I have on orange and yellow on every other nail, and coordinating polka dots on them as well, and Friday I will be doing American flags, (I used to do this all the time in college). :) So in 2 weeks I will have painted and repainted my nails 6 times!! I am actually enjoying this! :)
My sister and I went shopping on Friday, and look what I found. VB 50% off!!! I will be hanging these on the wall in the bird room for some storage. Will do a post on them of course when it is complete. :)
Over the weekend we babysat some very special kiddos. ;) Look what they helped me make for the bird room. :)
Walking hand in hand with their hero. :) They helped us pick out some plants for our front yard...
Our flower bed right next to our house was pretty much complete, but needed a little somethin' somethin'. We do not want to have to redo flowers all the time, so we went with a purple plant...
It brought in some color, with less work. :)
While we were outside a neighbor brought us over a scooter for the boys. We are ever grateful for hand-me-downs!! :)
It was SO hot when we were working, Bolt chilled out under the truck to keep cool. Literally. I went in and got him a large bowl of water, but this was not enough...
Oh, SOOOO much better, Mommy!!
Wet dog. :)
How embarrassing is this?? So ghetto! When we moved in these were the bushes they gave us to hide the utility boxes in our FRONT YARD. This is our one complaint with our neighborhood. It is really nice, but why in the world would we have these unsightly things in our FRONT yard?? Not everyone has them- we were one of the "lucky" ones. Not to mention the weak bushes that were supposed to cover them. We have NEEDED to fix this up for awhile now...
I guess I could have gotten a pic with ALL the mulch in and after all the junk was picked up, but I didn't want to wait. SO much better, huh? :)
These Oleanders will cover up the utility boxes nicely when the fill in, (well, they already do a nice job but will be even better later). :)

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