
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Daddy's Princess

All went well today, Praise the Lord! Thank you all for praying!

Here is what happened today:

- her laywer gave us the thumbs up and called her CPS caseworker

- she called me and was thrilled we were in love with Sweetpea Beauty {huge to have CPS on our side}

Now we wait to hear from our agency to see what they have to say. I think it will all happen at the end of September at the latest. Obviously we are praying for much much sooner!

So, Mr. Incredible got to meet his little girl today. I held her most of the time. She is the happiest, easiest baby I have ever held! She made a "cry" face twice when I wasn't holding her so I took her and she immediately stopped and smiled. Not cause it was me necessarily, (as much as I'd like to pretend she knows I am her mommy, I know she does not lol), but because I know babies. When Mr. Incredible spent his teen/college years learning the ends and outs of an engine, etc, I spent that time around babies and kids. He'll catch on quickly, he is named Mr. Incredible after all. ;)

Funny story: we were there for a good 2 hours and Mr. Incredible had not eaten breakfast or lunch so he was famished to say the least. He kept mouthing, "I'm starving." But of course I wasn't ready to leave. Then she needed to be fed. Um, that's my job thank you very much, so we stayed to feed her. Then I said, "do you want to hold her once more before we leave?" Of course he wanted to! About 2-3 times in the next 30 minutes or so Mr. Incredible would again mouth taht he was hungry, and I would reply that we could leave, but we never did. He just did not want to let her go. SO sweet! She already has him wrapped around her finger!

Keep praying please! Pray that we get news SOON!!! Pray that everything goes smoothly and that she can be in our home ASAP!!

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