
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sweetpea Beauty

I met my daughter yesterday.

No, really, I did.

{Mom, I called you to tell you about her, but you didn't answer, so sorry you have to find out here!}

I said she would be called Briar Rose on this blog, but I have changed my mind to Sweetpea Beauty. You know like Sleeping Beauty, but Veggie
fied. The newest Veggie Tales is a princess one and it stars Sweetpea Beauty. Since her name on the blog was to be derived from Disney's Sleeping Beauty anyway, I figured Sweetpea Beauty was the best of both worlds: Disney and Veggie Tales! :)

I am requesting HUGE prayers for tomorrow. Mr. Incredible gets to meet her for the first time, and we will both be meeting with her lawyer. Her lawyer really loves her, (which is amazing), so he wants to see how we are with her before he gives us the ok. I have an idea of what will happen next, but I am not 100%, but I will know more tomorrow at our meeting.

Sweetpea Beauty is just perfect for us. She is so beautiful and she is such a happy baby! Yes, BABY! Almost 9 months old. I can't post pictures yet, but when she is 7 years old, she will probably look a lot like her future name sake:
Ok, get the hint? ;) Please pray for our Sweetpea and pray that all goes well tomorrow! Eek! We are already over the moon! :)

What else can I do, but begin shopping for her? ;) I have been shopping for her stroller, car seat, etc. At the mall I about fell over when I saw these items at Janie and Jack:$PRODDETAIL$$PRODDETAIL$$PRODDETAIL$
I wish they made adult sizes cause I am so in love! Now, they are a little pricey, but what do you know, they are on sale right now! My thinking is this: Get the dress, Jacket, and Leggings now, and buy the skirt in the size she'll be next summer. Ok, so what I REALLY want to do is buy all of these in every size they have so she can grow with them! She won't wear all these items together of course-just a few good mix and match leopard staples! You know: dress with colored leggings, skirt with different color shirt and leggings- or sans leggings, etc etc. The list is endless. This is when I wish you could buy baby clothes like you do for adults. You plan to take good care of it so you can still have it years later. What to do, what to do? hmm...

PLEASE PRAY for our little Annie, our Sweetpea Beauty! I'll be keeping you posted! ♥



    SO EXCITING!! Sending prayers your way!!

  2. wow! so exciting! can't wait to see pics!

  3. Yay! SO happy for you guys. Just FYI Janie and Jack is one of the pricier kid stores, Target and Old Navy are great places for good deals on CUTE clothes! Also- Gap has a really cute leopard onesie right now.

  4. I'm so happy for you Tricia. Good luck, you will be in my thoughts and prayers!

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  7. I hated our original car seat! It was a "Travel System." If you haven't bought one yet, I would suggest going convertible at her age. She would only fit in the carrier style for a short while longer anyway. I have bought two of those, because the first one we got she's almost grown out of too. What a waste!

    Experts get behind a couple of models, usually anything Britax (be prepared to pay with your arm and leg), Evenflo Triumph and True Fit. I have a Triumph, it's alright...I LOVE the True Fit. She has about 10-12 inches of grow room. SO WORTH THE PRICE! I never knew picking a car seat was such a big deal, but it seriously is!

    Good luck! I know of some good forums that have certified car seat techs who will answer any questions you have before buying. Let me know if you're interested.

    Oh P.S. I'm super excited for you!!!!!!!

  8. I have been a faithful reader...ok, ok...stalker for quite a while now! I've laughed, cried and been inspired by your posts and i'm so glad things are coming together for you and your hubby! I look forward to what lies ahead in yall's lives! Can't wait to see the new journey yall will be embarking on! =)
