
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Daydream Believer

******UPDATE: Sweetpea Beauty's "brother" may be ours after all!! We heard from his CPS worker today that it is lookin pretty good!! {nothing set in stone, but still encouraging)!! Please keep praying for him!

SWEETPEA BEAUTY: Her lawyer said today that it is gonna happen!!! CPS wants her to live with us before her court date! THIS IS AMAZING NEWS!!! She is ours!!! Pretty much anyway. We still have her court date, and her judge could choose to not grant termination just yet, (most likely we will get termination then, but still- not set in stone). That is why I will again ask for you to pray for her!! Soon, very soon, she will be in our home!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Jesus!! *******

Original Post:

I got the last piece of the Candyland room in the mail yesterday:

It is a rug, but it is also the actual game. It came with cards and over sized pieces:

How cute are they?! The game and these pieces double as decor. :)

I have been doing some massive amounts of daydreamin lately. I can't wait to have Sweetpea Beauty in my arms and home forever. I am also daydreaming about her "brother." She has been in the foster home with a little boy that is a few weeks older than her. He has not left my mind since I met them, and we would love it if he could be ours too. We shall see what God has in store for him and us. :) Please continue to pray for Sweetpea Beauty, and also for her "brother."

I have also been daydreaming about Boston. A lot. Actually literally dreaming about it too. I want to move there so badly! Since we went in April, I have been dreaming about returning the first weekend in October. 1. Boston in the fall. Nuff said. 2. The Sox are playing the Yankees again.

Dreaming about Boston has really gotten me in the mood for fall, and since it is September, I brought out my fall decor:
Last year these were on our mantle, but since I like the decor that is there now, I placed these puppies here.

I was blog hopping yesterday, and I found these pumpkins that I want to make!! Similar colors as the ones pictured, but also including this fabric:
This is my FAV fabric!!! From Hobby Lobby, I need countless yards of it!!! :)

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