
Tuesday, September 7, 2010


2 new projects have been born at the Keierleber Casa.

The first one, I have been working on since May. I am so excited to finally debut it! My business blog that I have been hinting about: Pennies on a Dollar Designs. You will see a link to it at the top of this blog. :) Please help get the word out! Thanks!!

The second does involve another, (and final) room makeover. Our bedroom. Poor room. It is neglected. Now, the bed and the wall behind the bed look awesome, (as does my bedside table). But for the other 2/3 of the room- they need some help!! Now that I am content with the rest of the house, I can make my room cute too! :) The brown and blue damask color scheme are here to stay, but I am adding little hints of our favorite place to the room to make us smile. I bought a really cute map to hang as well as a really cute picture book. Here are some pictures that I edited that will go nicely in the room:

If you couldn't tell, we are adding a Boston theme to our room. It will not SCREAM Boston, but it will have nice touches of Boston. :)

Oh and just to torture myself, I house hunted in Boston yesterday and found 3 potential homes for us. Now Mr. Incredible just needs to get a job transfer and we're all set! {I am so just dreaming- no move in our future that we know of lol}

Off to start working on our room. First I have to pull out everything, and get to painting...

PS, I have my photoshop back so if I promised you photoshop work, please help me remember!! It has been awhile for some of you!! :)

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