
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Give Me Some Sugah!

Look below for the full playroom reveal. Mr. Incredible likes it. Last night, after seeing the room a few times, he said, "you know this room really makes me happy." Awesome! I thought he was going to say it made him hungry, but happy is much much better! :) Here are a few more pieces:
I got a red and blue M&Ms blanket to go with the red and blue chairs. :) Bolt, what a stinker! lol
M&Ms valance. Cost about $3! So cheap and easy! And cute too!
Curtain. It wouldn't let me flash cause it was catching the natural light. Stupid smart technology! ;)

Gravity made my decision for me in regards to my cotton candy art work:
I am at a loss of what to do with this. I thought of doing M&Ms, but seeing as they are already in the room- what should I do? Any sweet suggestions?

I have a business blog which will be debuting soon. One of the aspects of the blog will be photography. Here are so pics from my first "professional" photo shoot. :)

Notice Mr. Incredible's shadow? When I get my photoshop back he will be gone! lol

Princess Bride anyone? :)

Whatcha think? Also, any suggestions for candy canvas artwork??

1 comment:

  1. nice! I need to figure out how to use photoshop....I am totally clueless even though I own it!
