
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


No, I am not referring to how old Mr. Incredible is. ;)

No, I am not referring to the number of days this month has, (can you believe it is SEPTEMBER)!?

I am referring to the number of hours it took me to create/complete the Candyland Playroom. AND that is not including the number hours I spent browsing the web for ideas, the time spent driving to places to buy everything, or the time spent browsing stores for ideas.

This was most expensive and most time consuming room. Annie's room wasn't cheap or anything, but I had to buy furniture- of course that costs. BUT this room, I only bought decor, and it still cost more than her room! Yep, I went a little crazy. Now, don't get me wrong, it was expensive to ME. I bet it is still cost far less than what most would spend. :)

First off, a few last minute projects I did today:
A dear friend is a whiz with wood and made me these. LOVE THEM, but got inspired today, (hope you don't mind S!)...
Chocolate to hold something for the kids and the popcorn to go in the movie area to hold the remotes, (huge help!!! Can't believe I never thought of that before!!) Oh, and don't you just love my helper? :)
One last piece of cardboard, HAD to use it. ;)
perfect and yummy!
You will see these in a min all completed. My friend Chelsea is planning a Candyland birthday party for her little girl. I got this idea from her! :) They were originally red for Christmas, and I painted them in many different candy colors. :) TOOK FOREVER!!! 28 total and each needed about 4 coats of paint. Starting to see how this room took me 30 hours?
Love these hooks, but what to hook on them? So I cut off the hook part and made them look like little lollipops. :)
Ok, I did nothing to this, it came this way- but how cute is this?? :)

Ok, ok, time for the big reveal. You're welcome. ;)

Here is the view looking in. I will take you through the whole room as if you were standing in the middle looking around in a circle. {does that make sense? well it will when you look below. lol}
I can't wait to put sweet faces in these frames! :) Oops, I need to move that cube over to the right... ok done! ;)
So fun. And, since I rearranged everything, there is a little extra room for more toys. :)
Our gigantic old school tv. Hey, it serves it purpose, right? :)
That is supposed to be cotton candy. Looked weird without the words. Hmm, not sure I love it. What do you think? I may be scrapping it and redoing the canvas into something else.
Nice and cozy with a good view of hte tv. Something that the other layout was missing. Also, kids only sat in these chairs to watch movies, so putting them all together like this was best. AND, it made for much more playing space, and this IS the playroom. :)
No, please don't leave so soon. ;) {had stickers there- probably won't leave them. Annie's room maybe?}
Left in this room- I have a curtain, rug and a few other goodies on their way in a UPS truck. Hopefully by Friday I will have them and I can show you them. I bought this little guy on Etsy. What is it? It is a Gummi bear mold. You know so I can create something like this:OK, OK, you can stop laughing now! Geez you don't have to be so rude. ;)

Obviously I will not be making THIS. I do not have the time, patience or talent to make this. But, it did inspire me to make SOMETHING for the playroom. What? I don't know, but I DO have to mold so when inspiration hits, I can make it! :)

If you would like to see what the playroom used to look like, click here.

1 comment:

  1. You should totally make the gummy bear chandelier! How cool is that!?! I'm excited to see what you do with the gummy mold :) looks really cute, but it makes me want to eat lots of bad candy!! lol
