
Monday, September 20, 2010

I Can't Get No....


Ha, fooled ya didn't I? You thought I was going to say, "Satisfaction." ;)

I have been avoiding blogging. I have been bummed. Sweetpea is not here with us, and it seems we may have to wait longer than we originally thought. BUMMER.

I really don't know how families that adopt from overseas can wait for years at a time. I have to wait a month or two and I am all but losing it! Sheesh!

This weekend was crazy busy. Among the many things I had to do- one was that I went to the Mothers of Multiples garage sale, and I had a very successful trip:
This Wednesday is a very important day!!! 2 little angels have a court date- pray for both of those outcomes. Sweetpea is up for termination. Please pray the judge grants that!!!

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