
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Almost Perfect, Not Quite

I know my title is from a children's book- anyone remember which?

I have two things in my life right now that are almost perfect, not quite.

1. I FINALLY got a phone call. Not THE phone call. A phone call. It sure seemed that when I got the call, we would get Sweetpea Beauty. Wrong. Today I meet with her CPS worker for a preliminary home study* and to set up meetings with our little girl: a few 2 hour supervised visits, and a few overnight stays. (*we didn't have to do any of this with Woody and Buzz because they were in our same agency so 1. they already accepted our Home Study, and 2. we were able to provide respite for them so we already had them overnight, etc).

One of the most discouraging words in the adoption process is probably preliminary. I think our time line is still the same, but I was hoping to get her sooner, like today, but that is ok. Almost perfect, not quite. {a week from today is her trial please keep praying!!}

2. Her room is also almost perfect, not quite.
We got her crib in last night, and rearranged all furniture. Very happy with everything, except one little detail:

Her bedding is so boring:
I bought this cause it had cheetah print, but it is boring here. I want solid animal print bedding. So, if you see say a cheetah print skirt and or a zebra print fitted sheet- please let me know ASAP!

I am very happy with this room. It was hard trying to fit all the furniture in, but I managed. :) Please keep praying!!!


  1. Sorry, can't be of any help with finding more bedding, but I would suggest a bumper. I took Lizzie's out for a while and I regularly found an arm or leg stuck out between the bars.

    I have this one in pink that would match her room perfectly. You're actually welcome to borrow it if you like. I don't think we'll need it for a while.

  2. Oh yeah, one more thing...can she sit or pull up? If so, lower the crib mattress. Lizzie can climb out if it's not all the way in the bottom!
