
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rounding out September

Dear Santa,

I HAVE to have these for Christmas this year. Or for my first birthday which is in the same month. I am not picky, either time will do. ;)

They can be purchased here. Also they have large sized ones. I particularly love the large elephant and giraffe. Or both. But since they are $110 a piece, I know they may be too expensive to ask for. :)

While my birth is miraculous like any other baby, I am really am a miracle of God on many many levels. Mommy will fill everyone in on those miracles soon. So you see, Santa, this is a must have for me! Oh, and I think my hopeful brother to be would like one too since he too is a miracle baby!
My mommy has always loved this shirt!

I am asking for this one as well for my hopeful brother to be. Mommy thought it was very clever and cute!

These can be purchased here. Size 12-18mths will work just fine. ;)

I promise to continue to be a good girl, Santa! Love, Sweetpea Beauty.

PS. Can any of you out there give my mommy ideas for blog nicknames for my brother? Remember: Disney character names please! Thanks!


Cinderella here. Man, my little girl is so smart! Blogging at 9 months old! I am so proud. ;)

Yesterday was Bolt's 4th birthday! Before I get to that though...

Yesterday my sister, Taylor's, car was wrecked, (possibly totaled), in her school parking lot. A district employee passed out in the parking lot, while driving his paint van, (the fumes were what caused him to pass out). Apparently her car looks even worse than this:
Considering October 6th is 4 years since my sister Tracie died in a car accident- we are VERY thankful that Taylor was NOT in the car when this happened! No one at all was injured, (he hit 2 other cars as well). However, we are not sure how the driver is doing. :/

Ok, Bolt's birthday! Ever since his first birthday, we have had a tradition of buying a look alike cake:
Look at the bottom of this pic- it is the only pic of the cake I have. Pretty cute though, huh?
His second birthday...
His third birthday. Each year they got cuter and last year they even had a puppy to go along with it! So, can someone please tell me what happened this year...
Is it just me or does this look more like a mouse than a dog? I was quite disappointed. :/
However, the body was still as cute as ever, and it still tasted amazing which is really what is important! lol
Bolt needs to go to the groomers oh so badly! That is on our to do list next week!
Sorry Bolt, the cake is for Mommy and Daddy...
you do however get your yearly celebratory lick of icing. ;)

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