
Monday, September 27, 2010

Showering Sweetpea

Saturday my friends at church threw a shower for Sweetpea Beauty. I was so humbled by the number of ladies who stepped forward to host it, (2 were out of town, but it would have been a total of 10 hostesses!) Just watching the numbers of, "I want to host to," comments on facebook go up and up, made Mr. Incredible and I feel very humbled, overjoyed and loved. Thank you all so much for hosting my shower! It was awesome!!

My friend Brooke made this awesome diaper cake!! Divya made the scrapbook where everyone wrote a little note- whether advice, encouragement or just congratulations. :) Mr. Incredible and I really love this! And which one of you thought to print out some of my adoption poems from 2 years ago?! PERFECT!!!
Abby meeting Sweetpea Beauty.
I look like a doof, but I love this picture!
Brooke also made diaper cupcakes! Great idea!!!
Sonya made this amazing cake! Is there no limit to what you can do girl? :) Mr. Incredible was also very impressed- with the looks and taste!
All of my hostesses minus one.
Chatting with Abigail. :) love this pic!
Outside of the party barn. :)
Ju Ju, Glo Glo, and Abby. 3 little girls that have me wrapped! ;)
Thanks to my baby sis Taylor for being the photog for this. She got so many great shots, including this one of Ju Ju and Glo Glo swinging.


  1. How sweet of them to do all that kinda last minute!

    That's too funny 2 of the host wore the same dress! I know one of them from Faith Lutheran where I used to sub teach at!

    Yay for showering the beauty baby :)

  2. I'm sorry I couldn't make it! Congrats and blessings.
