
Monday, September 13, 2010

Three Days

The last three days were oh so busy!! I have 3 posts to catch up with, so you might want to buckle up for this!

On Friday my BABY sister turned 18!!!! CRAZY!!! That means that my 44 year old mother has 4 adult children now! Just a few years ago it was 4 teenagers, now it is 4 adults! Crazy!!
Taylor, I hope you had an awesome birthday! We need to get together soon and watch movies and paint our nails in cool patterns/colors that mom will hate again! lol

Cute story: At one point when we were younger, I looked at Taylor in response to how quickly she was growing up and said, "You still seem 6 to me." With great attitude, "I'm not 6, I'm 7." "Taylor, you're 8!" HA!

Come over soon! Sweetpea Beauty told me she wants Aunt Taylor to come over very often, so you better not break her heart! ;)

September 11th passed over the weekend. Here is a post from last year where I did an in memory from the 7th and 8th anniversaries. Here is a post from last year that is SO very important even more now- considering the mosque they want to build in the area.

Friday we had girls' sleepover at my friend, Brooke's house. I thought I would have to arrive late, but since I hadn't heard anything about celebrating my sister's birthday that night, I agreed to go. All day Friday Brooke and I ran around town garage sale shopping, resale shopping, and running to my usual haunts like Hobby Lobby. Then more friends joined us and we stayed up way too late! Around midnight we decided that we needed to go out in our PJs. Saturday we did some more shop, shop, shopping!!

We went to Denny's and even though it was passed midnight, it was PACKED. We sat ourselves down and realized that no one was hungry. We got up before anyone noticed we were there and headed to another place we knew to be open 24 hours:
Yep, we walked around Walmart for a good amount of time in the middle of the night in our PJs. So much fun ladies! Can't wait to do this again!!

I have a few projects to do this week with stuff I bought at the garage sale. I also bought these letters at Hobby Lobby, but I couldn't wait till today to do them- I had to do them Saturday. Sunday I hung them...
When I laid out all the paper, I didn't realize how white the "M" was. Oh well, in person it really doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.
Close up of the "Ns" Love how they all turned out! :)

Her room is ready- all we need is her crib and HER of course! :) Any day now. Any day!

When I put the candies on the ceiling in the playroom, my pom poms had to go. No fear, they have been recycled:

and lastly:
Here is some of the loot I got from the resale shops! ♥


  1. I believe everyone is entitled to their own ideas, but I had to say something: Here is a post from last year that is SO very important even more now- considering the mosque they want to build in the area.-- Please keep in mind that this is the very attitude that people would have had towards your would be daughter some 50 years ago. I am so blessed to teach many races and ethnicities in my classroom and I would hate that even one child would feel like less of a person because someone is stereotyping them based off of extreme religious fanatics. I love those kids like they were my own and it’s hurtful words like these that stay with children and have the ability to create harmful adults. In 2010 I wish you and your beautiful, integrated family all the best.

  2. slummber party?! How fun!!

    And I love the letters!
