
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In Awe

This time last year I began praying for a few friends that were pregnant. One in particular started it all. Taylor was on bed rest, with a baby at home, and a husband overseas, (Gracie girl is here now and healthy and all is well)! Then I began praying for other pregnant friends, (Meredith). By February, I knew of over 15, (got up to 21+), ladies who were pregnant. I began praying for them as a whole. Praying for them to STAY pregnant, praying for healthy deliveries, and for healthy babies. I am still praying for you all- if you are still pregnant (Haley), or if you have had your baby- I have been praising God for him/her!

It has been nothing short of a miracle to see so many healthy pregnancies and babies being born!

You may remember this post from back in June. My friend was given a 6% chance of getting pregnant and was told by her specialist that their only hope was IVF. They said no and began the adoption process. Well, yesterday she called me and said she got a positive test. We were excited yet held back since a year ago I got a false positive. They are super rare, but considering her chances, we were reserved.

I told her to go buy another brand and see what it says. I drove over to her house with a revelation. I will take a test from the same box. If mine is positive, then the box may be faulty and we could have her hubs take the third! If he was positive, well, you know! lol Mine is on the top:

At this point I KNEW without a doubt that she was pregnant!! That was the confirmation I needed. When my urine was crossing over the window she was asking, "so you see anything yet?" "No??!" Apparently, the pregnancy line shows up before the other line. So we knew then and there that she was pregnant- gave it a few more secs to confirm and sure enough, I only had one line! See how dark her preg line is?!

Her and I ran to Walmart to get healthy food, and a digital pregnancy test. She got home and took it and in NO TIME, she was yelling through the bathroom door, "IT SAYS PREGNANT!"

NEVER underestimate God!! Science said it wouldn't happen- God said, "Oh yeah, watch Me!" Regardless of what happens next- all that matters is right now she is pregnant- something that was impossible! God deserves all the glory and praise!!

So folks, I am going to be an auntie! I was always going to be an auntie when they adopted, but now we get this confirmation a little sooner! Please pray for her pregnancy, especially if I have been praying for yours, (and since I have been praying for 21+ of you- that probably means YOU need to pray- I was even praying for people I don't know like McMama and Angie Smith).

My baby update: She should be here any day- we are just waiting for a phone call. They want us to have her before her trial, and considering it is a week from tomorrow- we should get her any day now. It is killing me!!! I have no patience!
Auntie Elise, (new mommy to be mentioned above), bought this for her at Walmart yesterday....
I first saw it a few weeks ago and have been coveting it! I LOVE the princesses if you couldn't tell, and this has 2 of my 3 fav, (missing Belle). Tiana is not my fav, nor is her movie, but I think Sweetpea Beauty will appreciate her being on there!


  1. You are so sweet, I will definitely be praying for your friend and for a healthy baby! Thank you so much for your prayers.

  2. I am so happy for you - I know you've been waiting a long time for this, and you're going to be a wonderful mother. Congratulations!

  3. When I first saw the picture (before reading the blog), I thought you were preggers! Anyways, I am SOOO happy for Elise and pray everything goes well!

  4. tricia, you were so sweet to pray for us throughout my pregnancies! and the facebook post you sent me the day i had gracie made me ball like a baby and i read it a million times! so kind! i pray for you and paul all the time with all your adoption possibilities, possible pregnancies, buzz and woody, and now your sweet girl! i always knew it would happen for yall, just on His time, so i have prayed and still continue to pray for yall to have extra patience during this time! i will definitely being praying for your friend.... what a true miracle!!!!!
