Saturday night I got a migraine. I used to suffer from migraines pretty often, and I used to get Botox to help in that area. Well, long story short, I am no longer on Botox, and I only get one migraine a month, around my period. I can live with that. Well, I am nowhere near that time of the month, and I can honestly say this was one of the worst migraines I have ever had, like I rank it #2 out of all my migraines in my lifetime. I lasted till about midnight last night. Miserable. I actually stayed home from Church. In the 6 years I have attended my church, I have missed about 3 Sundays. 1 because Bolt was in the ER till 5 AM, and the other 2 because I was under the weather. So, you know I was feeling pretty bad if I missed church.
Anyway, besides feeling bad, my weekend was also filled with adoption/orphans, (though I hadn't planned it that way).
We ran into the Christian store on Sunday on a whim and found the newest Veggie Tales had come out!!

The second was Sweetpea Beauty. It was broken into 2 parts, Snoodlerella and Sweetpea Beauty. We were not really impressed by any of the movie except the Sweetpea Beauty part. And, did you notice how the graphics seemed weak?
So, as much as I was giddy to watch the newest Veggie Tales, I was also reserved thinking it too may be a stinker. I was wrong.
It was one of the best Veggie Tales ever! The little girl in it is adopted! She is played by Stevey Joy Chapman, the youngest adopted daughter of Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman. I won't go into more than that- you HAVE to see the movie! In the extras, it had a music video by SCC- grab the tissues!! Awesome!! And there is a video for their ministry Show Hope. Grab the tissues for that too!
On Friday, Mr. Incredible surprised me with a book I have been wanting for quite awhile now.

Thursday, Mr. Incredible is taking me to the Night with the Chapman's concert. I can't wait!! So I guess my whole week is not only filled with Adoption but with the Chapman family! This is a good week. :)
My friend Traci seems to be having a similar time right now! ♥ God is moving for orphans right now it seems. Why? I am not sure. Maybe it is so YOU, reader, will step up to care for orphans in whatever capacity you feel called to do. :) You can find out more at Show Hope.
Also at Show Hope, you can purchase Tshirts and accessories that will benefit orphans. I am hoping to find a few of these at the concert, or to receive some under the Christmas tree this year. ;) I want this, this, this and this.
What about MY Sweetpea Beauty? Our first transition visit was rescheduled from today to I don't know when. :/ Will keep you posted! Prayers appreciated!
Oh my goodness!!!! TOO COOL!
Have fun at the concert. I wanna go with you!