I was buying a MINI VAN!!!
Yes, I had to majorly swallow my pride on this one- I was sooo embarrassed at even the thought of driving one.
I cannot tell you enough: if you have one child or more- you NEED a mini van!!!!! Seriously!
Now, they may not be the coolest things, but they are the most practical.
Yes, I know that July 08 I bought my Mommy car. Not too long ago.
Once we put a car seat and stroller in it, it became apparent that it was just too small. We worked it out to where we would brake even on this car- if we had to owe more we would not do it. It worked out- PRAISE GOD!!! You see, the thought of paying off the Journey, then turning around and buying ANOTHER car stressed me out. Now we don't have to worry about that! :)
Because of the money saved, (and miles- this has 22k miles less than our car did), I have found a love for my van. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that we are so much closer to being debt free, (after this, the only debt we will have is the house), and that I know I have a very good, smart, economical, mommy car. :)

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