
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dream Come True

I am still dreaming about those singing/talking birds and mice and the Fairy Godmother's Bippity Boppity Boo to get the cleaning done! ;) I took a break to post this:

August 17th 2008
I wrote this poem for our future children. We wanted to adopt SO badly at the time.

I dream of the day when God smiles down,
And shows us which child will be ours for now.
The day we adopt you and carry you home,
Where you will always be loved and never alone.

I dream of the day when we will see,
If a prince or a princess you will be.
The day I can dress you in blue or pink,
Whether son or daughter, our hearts will link.

I dream of the day that our waiting will end,
You will become our child, whom God will lend.
The day you will enter into my arms,
Where I will always protect you from hurt and from harm.

I dream of the day that you will be mine,
To love and to cherish until the end of time.
The day I can raise you to know and love Jesus,
From sin and from strife, He is the One who frees us!

I dream of the day that you come to know the Lord,
The One with a gift that we could never afford.
The day that you accept His gift that’s free,
We will be the happiest parents anyone could see!

I dream of the day, because it is not yet our time,
So we are waiting on the Lord for His timing Divine.
The day we want so dearly, we must wait for it some more,
But we love you already: yesterday, today and forevermore!

We were so desperate to adopt. Little did we know that almost 2 years to the day, (8.24.10), I would actually meet our daughter for the first time. If you told me back then that I would have to wait 2 years, I probably would have broke down crying. Now when I hold Sweetpea, however, I am so thankful. God is Sovereign and He sure knows what He is doing!

Needless to say when I saw this at the store, I knew Sweetpea had to have it for her room:

In other random picture news:
Sweetpea last night at our almost weekly Crackle Barrel dinner. I know it is hard to see, but her pants have a built in tutu! It was a three piece set from Target. It also came with a cute gray jacket. Did I mention I love princesses? ;) Oh, and does that face have "Stinker" written all over it or what?! :)
Miss Beauty blowing Raspberries at me
She is so proud of her new clapping skill
She started to wave but her sleeve was in the way. She was a little confused. :)

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