
Friday, December 31, 2010

2♥1♥ Recap

We had a bit of an emotional roller coaster this year, but the amazing moments surely made up for the bad.

Before I get to the recap, allow me to share our Christmas card with you. I just sent it out, (I used to have a master list but this year I had to redo it so it took awhile to get all the addresses). I love it! (from Shutterfly)

Every year I make a Shutterfly book for that year, and I am so thankful that I thought to start this little tradition. For this year's recap I will share some of my pages.

Last year on my recap
, I wrote:
What does 2010 hold for us? In April we are celebrating 3 years with an AMAZING trip to New England which we are both SOOO excited about! Paul will turn 30!!! And kids... well ever since 2007, I have been writing about adopting in the new year to come. This year may actually be THE year, but I have learned one thing from my looking back- it really is all up to Him, and I am happy with whatever He has planned for my life.

So without further adieu, here was our 2010:

{Sorry for the borders on the pages- obviously they are not there in my book} :)

January my book was released and in March I had my first book signing.
During the spring, Mr. Incredible put in a sprinkler system all by himself, (with a little help from his dad).
In April we celebrated our third year of marriage with a trip to Boston, and we fell in love with the town!
Buzz and Woody actually had a page, but it showed their names and faces so I couldn't show it here. For those that don't know, we first met them in March and decided then to adopt them. They finally moved in with us in July, and they also were reunited with their family in July. This was a very hard time for us. We love these little boys and pray for their salvation and safety every night. These little boys made us parents. ♥We were told by our agency to give it time to see if the boys would come back to us. While waiting, we decided to pursue a little girl. That is where Sweetpea entered the picture. Here we are on August 26th- the day Mr. Incredible finally met his little girl.

In Septemeber my friends threw Sweetpea a shower. :)
October 29, 2010- Sweetpea's Gotcha Day! She was finally home with us!
December 2nd- Sweetpea's parental rights were terminated!
Decemeber 4th we celebrated Sweetpea's first birthday
There are obviously more pages to this book, but I put a few for you to get an idea. :)

I am so thankful that God chose 2010 to finally be the year we became parents! Our marriage grew even stronger, (by the Grace of God), and we fell more in love with our furry child.

What does 2011 hold? Our 4th anniversary, Sweetpea's adoption, my baby sister graduates high school and will go off to college, I'll turn 25, the 5 year anniversary of my sister's Home going, and possibly another adoption. We are still waiting on our little Nemo- hopefully we will get more news on Monday. This waiting for him has been frustrating to say the least. I know God is sovereign- I just want some answers already!

God has blessed us abundantly and graciously and we are so thankful. We look forward to 2011 and pray that we will glorify Him in all that we do in the new year.

Happy New Year!


  1. Wow...Shutterfly should hire you to advertise for them! Looking at your book, gets me all excited to start a Turner Tradition yearly book! Thanks for the idea!

  2. Yes, I agree, they should!! lol

    You really should do a year book! :)
