
Monday, December 6, 2010

The Terminator

Sweetpea's parental rights were terminated last Thursday!! PRAISE GOD!!! She is OURS people!!! We knew this would happen, but after Woody and Buzz we were a little leery. Saturday we had her first birthday party- pics to come.

Speaking of pics: it is with great pride and gratitude that I introduce you to our daughter finally:
Sweetpea's gotcha day! Such a special day!!

She kept making this face that night...
Introdcuing her "evil eyes." isn't this hysterical?!

She was done with the photoshoot!
This is her "face." Also hysterical!

Popeye? Maybe Dr Popeye considering she looked liked a Dr all day in that outfit! lol

She looks so old to me here....

Look at this face- I am fully aware that my child has got attitude! :)
What's up dawg? {seriously look at this pic and try not t giggle! lol} PS- I only crossed her feet- she did the rest! lol
One of my all time favs!

Isn't she beautiful!?


  1. what a beautiful little angel annie is! so happy for you guys and so glad she is all yours (and pauls :) ) yay!!

  2. Love the new look! She is stunning, Tricia and I love all of her "looks". She has such a cute personality already it seems!

  3. She is amazing! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! I am so thankful to the Lord for putting her into your family!

  4. You were so blessed with a beautiful baby girl!

  5. oh she is gorgeous. what a sweet thing. congratulations!!! god has blessed you!
