
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Workday Wednesday

Ok, so by "work" I mean blog work. ;) Since I am FINALLY able to post pictures of her face- I am playing catch up with posting... The other day I posted my favs over the last few months... now I can get back to posting daily events...

Tomorrow or so I will post pics from her party... here is a sample:

Intrigued? Tune in soon...
December 2nd- Termination day!
Bolt HAS to be in pics... lol
"Feels like home to me..." in the evening of termination day...
Someone is becoming the a champion sitter and smiler!
She also began giving kisses- here is one in action...
I know she is almost 12 months, but with Spina Bifida- this sitting is AWESOME! I am so proud of her!
What did I tell you about Bolt? :)
I made her sit back so you could see her whole outfit :)
I was out running errands on Monday and we decided to join Daddy for lunch. Since it was spontaneous, I forgot her bumbo... never fear- champion sitter is here. :) She was cracking me up sitting in the booth with me!
She, (unintentionally), matched Daddy, so I had to get a pic :)
I promise I did not teach her this facial from my cheerleading days. ;) Though I do love it on her! :)