
Monday, January 3, 2011

twentyeleven Sweetpea photoshoot. Miss Beauty sure has got some facials:

Bolt had to get in the picture...
He loves me. She is still a little weirded out by his kisses. :)
Bolt, if you must be in the shot, at least let me hold you. :)


I set the self timer and someone, not naming any names, cried when I left. ;)
There, much better. :)
Playing with Sweetpea while we open her final Christmas presents, (from her third and final set of grandparents) :)

I just love her, (and her hair) :)

You know you have a good dog when his sister can reach out to him when he has his bone and he doesn't care. :) She usually ignores him, so it was nice seeing Bolt get some lovin from Sweetpea.
Four generations. The two adopted kids are sitting together with their mommies on their side. :) Legacy of Love. :)
Everyone doting on Miss Beauty {as usual} :)
My dad with his first grand baby :)


  1. i love her hair too :) and i love the pic of her and your dad... priceless.

  2. Too sweet! By the way, you look good girl...incredible shrinking Tricia! :-)
    I'm still working on losing all the "baby" fat.
