
Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Once upon a time there was a boy who was a liar, liar, pants on fire. By the age of 10, was stealing tax payers' money. By the age 14, while his mother was dying, he was with friends, playing cards and drinking.

He doesn't seem to have a very bright future, huh?

Do you ever feel like you have wronged God so much that there is no forgiveness for you?

Well, in college he attended a Bible study and found salvation in Jesus.

Immediately his life changed. He stopped drinking, stealing and lying at once, and he began considering becoming a missionary. He also began preaching the Word.

He went on to save 10,024 orphans in his lifetime.

George Mueller had not sinned too badly against God, and neither have you.

He is a hero of mine. See why:

"His most moving reunion with an orphan was on October 19, 1878 when a 71 year old widow met him...she had been his first orphan over 57 years previously. 10,023 other orphans were to follow her there and have Daddy Mueller rear them. Mueller read the Bible through over 200 times, half of these times on his knees. He said he knew of some 50,000 specific answers to prayer...requests to God alone!

Over 3,000 of his orphans were won to Christ through his ministry by the Holy Spirit."

Quote from here.

We are never too far from God's redemptive love.

He sent His son Jesus to die on a cross to pay for our sins. All we have to do is trust in His sacrafice and that He is the only way to Heaven. We cannot earn our way to Heaven. He is the only way!

Because of his love for God, his story of redemption, and the love he had for the orphan, we wanted to name a child after George Mueller.

Lord willing, our next adoption will be a little girl from Korea, whom we will name Bristol Mueller Keierleber, (Mueller's orphanages were in Bristol, England).

Now we will not pursue little Bristol for a few years. First of all, we need to finalize Sweetpea's adoption, and see about Nemo, (obviously we are still waiting- ugh). Secondly, international adoption is not cheap, so we have to start saving money now.

Also, we may get a boy from Korea, (we are not promised a girl, although if we had the choice, that is how we would choose). If we do get a boy instead, his middle name will be Mueller as well. :)

All this is subject to God's changing- these are just our plans for now. I have already started praying over Bristol, even though she won't be born for a few years. :)

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