
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"tutu" much love

Valentine's Day on a Monday. Blah.

As I mentioned a few days ago, our Valentine's plans got squashed. Mr. Incredible was supposed to have off Friday- three day weekend- wahoo! BUT instead he had to work Friday AND Saturday! Grr. We had planned to go to Spaghetti Warehouse on Thursday night, but since he had to work we scratched that.

So, we drug out our Valentine's Day celebration over a few days instead of doing one big celebration.
Ok, not the best pic of us, but it was our Valentine's Day pic. Sweetpea hates the timer- notice she is crying. Sunday we went to Spaghetti Warehouse for lunch date. :)
Sweetpea on Valentine's DaySweetpea's Valentine for her facebook friends. :)

This spring we will get to finalize her adoption. I. can. not. wait. We will be having a party and inviting everyone. No, seriously, if you want to come, you are invited! It will be a huge celebration!

I was planning on her wearing her red dress, (seen above), but then I began surfing I really loved the idea of a tutu dress. I thought to save money I'd make my own. Well, I didn't save money at all, so next time I will be ordering from etsy. I used glitter tulle and it made a huge mess. I was going to have her wear this in the courtroom and her party, but I think it will be too messy for the courtroom- we may just save it for her party. Here is a sneak peek at the unfinished tutu dress. Super easy to make, not too cheap though. :/

It turned out even prettier than I was thinking... and messier too lol

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